Western Astrology is bullshit

Tajos King
2 min readFeb 25, 2021

There’s not much difference in the two. Other than in Vedic astrology your signs will be one before the ones in western astrology. This is true for all signs in all planets and houses for ~95% of the time.

I started with western astrology as Vedic looked entirely too alien to me. Looked complex and unreachable. And that’s the thing, after familiarizing myself with western astrology all that it’s signs told me, I started to listen to some Youtube Vedic astrologers for advice. When western astrology left me in a bit of a turmoil and confusion. Vedic gave an extreme sense of clarity and confidence in myself. I was looking for this at a time I wasn’t entirely sure of who I actually am. Turns out I’m a Pisces Moon and Pisces generally do go through that turmoil in their lives.

If it wasn’t for Vedic I wouldn’t have guessed in my wildest dreams that I could be a Pisces in any sort of way. It did mention it in my South node, but that to me was a too alien concept for me to familiarize myself with.

That’s how I shifted entirely from Western to Vedic. In western I have an Aquarius Stellium(same sign in 3 planets). Whereas in Vedic I have a Capricorn Stellium. Turns out I have Aquarius in my South node. Which feels all too relatable to me because I am not always obsessed with Aquarius to the point that that’s how I literally function. It’s a very important spiritual thing for me, and I pursue it with everything I have when I’m spiritually entwined. My mother has a Capricorn north node and It makes entirely more sense that I my approach to life is more Capricorn than Aquarius. I always felt like a Capricorn but wasn’t entirely sure of the coldness that went with it. And so I’m a Sagittarius Sun not Capricorn. Makes tremendous sense since I’ve spent the last 3 years of my life literally just seeking knowledge non stop.

Knowledge boom is real. The network effect is real. 1B people availing knowledge at the same time, at lightning speeds is creating a boom that is unprecedented. Ease of access of knowledge through social media and youtube, allows a million people to learn something they would have never touched in their lives. Leading to them education 10 more. Those people education 10 more. Everyone likes to pass on knowledge. So we are seeing basically 100 million with just 3 sets of people. If we expect atleast 3 people will pass it on to 10 more. This is not huge, this is Shatteringly huge.

